NY Comic Con is coming Early this month. I applied to exhibit my books as in the artist’s alley. Unfortunately I didn’t make it in. NY Comic Con is the largest and most competitive convention on the east cost so I’m not surprised. There’s always next year. In the mean time If I can’t be an exhibitor to sell my books I’m trying the next best thing. I’m going to promote my books as an attendee.
I was never one for cosplay outside of dressing up for Halloween, but going back to my childhood costumes were always a part of my writing. In fourth grade, when I first conceived of my superhero, Meteor Zan, I decided to dress up as him for Halloween. Now in my 30’s I’m going to let my inner 10 year old take the controls. I plan to dress up as my character Liquid Silver the main protagonist of The Superhero’s Log. I wont be alone. My girlfriend will be coming too dressed as the heroine of Nova of the Machines. When some one asks who we are they get a free pamphlet.
I’m pretty excited about the whole project so look for me there! Keep an eye on my Twitter Facebook and Instagram for costume updates.