Review: Smallville “Icarus”

In “Icarus” we see the government and the people of the world corrupted by Darkseid and his minions. The public has turned against the heroes to the point that Oliver Queen is assaulted by a mob. I want to point out that the mob attacking the Green Arrow, is vigilante justice. It’s a delicious bit of irony that the vigilantes are shown as a persecuted minority and hurt by other people taking the law into their hands.

Comic book worlds have reached a point in most mediums where superheroes are considered a standard part of the criminal justice system. As cliche as the superhero registration act plot line is, I wouldn’t be surprised if such a phenomenon occurred in real life. The Bill of Rights was created to protect citizens civilians from corrupt police powers. Someone who acts outside the law doesn’t have to abide by protections against illegal search and seizure,  the right to know the charges against you, or a trial by attorney. Hell, all that’s stopping a vigilante from disrespecting freedom of speech is their own personal sense of justice. When they show government officials raiding the Daily Planet and holding people without charges, and implying that they are going to give them summary executions, I find it hard to sallow. If the last decade and a half have taught us anything about America its they we cry fowl at even a slight hint of someone abridging our rights.  As much as I may complain about the political straw men in Smallville, I’ll let it slide. There is a story to tell anyway.

The thing I liked about this episode the best was Hawkman’s fight with Slade. When he burst through the window and unfurled his wings I thought  the imagery was perfect. Though his death was foreshadowed earlier in the season, I thought the battle with Slade and was well done. Michael Hogan is a great actor but he’s too old to play Deathstroke the Terminator. I can’t not see Saul Tigh whenever he’s on screen, however despite these issues, the fight was believable, and awesome. Watch Hawkman falling from the top of the building with his wings on fire was a stunning visual. Hawkman may be gone but in true heroic fashion he went out in a blaze of glory saving the day.

I’m really starting to dig this interpretation of the New Gods. I’ve always felt that Darkseid was a completely separate concept that was tacked on to the greater DC universe when they need general Apocalyptic threat who could give Superman a run for his money. Yet despite everything he’s done evil, he’s always seemed more of a super villain, or invading alien overlord. Despite everything he’s done wrong Darkseid never felt like the god of evil. Smallville has tried to cut corners with Darkseid by never showing him, or making him a possessing entity. In doing so they’ve actual added an air of mystery and danger around him. With him corrupting and possessing people, amplifying their hatred, and branding their skulls with an omega, Darkseid is defiantly giving off a Satanic vibe. Appearing as a shadowed figure, cloud of black smoke, or flock of ravens looks dark and creepy. Though I would like to see him take the form of a giant man made of rock who shoots death beams from his eyes, I like this interpretation for now.  

All in all Smallville has left me interested how they will end it. My theory: Clark will become Superman, and just about defeat the villains.In the last moment he  become possessed but somehow Lois will free him with the power of love and the world will be inspired by Superman to be above Darkseid’s corruption.


On a scale of 1 to Epic, (Epic= 10) I’d give it a 6.8.

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