Epic Spot Light: Green Lantern Footage

The Epic Spotlight today happens to be green. Thanks go to my buddy Joe (A frequent commenter here) a four minute long trailer for the upcoming Green Lantern movie. I admit I had my doubts about this movie, but the trailer assuaged my fears.


My biggest complaint was the fact that Ryan Reynolds was wearing a CGI suit, when the Green Lantern costume is easy enough to replicate without looking too doofy. I always imagined that a live action Green Lantern would look like the costumes from the Fantastic Four movies, only green not blue. The first trailer the costume looked fake and I assumed they were using CGI for the sake of using it. I get what they were doing now that they have high resolution trailers. First the costume isn’t cloth, its energy. The CGI suit defiantly drives home this feeling. Second, a large portion of this movie is set to take place on Oa, which may as well be a Pixar cartoon. Nothing but Hal’s face there is real. The extra computer animation will Help Hal blend in with his other lanterns.

What this trailer got me hyped for more than anything else is Sinestro. Whenever Sinestro appeared in the cartoons he was always a one note villain. “Grrr I’m a one note villain who wants to steal a Green Lantern Ring!” Ever since I picked up the Sinestro Corps War I’ve loved the character. He’s not a mustache twirling maniac, a psyco like the Joker, or a power hungry mastermind like Luthor. Sinestro is a true fallen hero. Unlike Vader who was a wangsty emo but genuinely good guy one minute, and baby killer the next, Sinestro’s motivations never changed. He swtiched from Green Will Power to Yellow Fear power because he felt fear would be a better tool to force the universe into order. The move causes the Green Lanterns to enact lethal force, making the corps feared and stronger, proving Sinestro right.
The trailer shows us Sinestro, still l a green lantern, giving a rousing speech to the corpse motivating them after Abin Sur’s death. Even thought its brief it gives a great feel for the character. I hope a sequel will come along with Sinestro as a villain. Just seeing a small snipit of of Mark Strong’s take on the him, I really wonder what it would be like if he were the headlining villain. I’m sure it will be awesome.

Congratulations Green Lantern consider excitement achieved!

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