Nerd Rage: Why did Kick-Ass Get the Girl?

I have a love hate relationship with the works of Mark Millar. I think he is incredibly talented at plotting a high octane adventures. The stories leave you on the edge of your seat from comic book to comic book. On the other hand, when he gets on his political soap box, or if he tries to hard to be edgy and gritty, his writing comes off as vulgar and immature. I feel equally mixed feelings about Kick-Ass the comic book and film, particularly the romantic interest in Katie Deauxma.

As a deconstruction of the superhero medium, Kick-Ass depicts a world where costumed vigilantes become a viral phenomenon. Dave Lizewski is a sixteen year old who takes up the responsibility of fighting crime as “Kick-Ass”. In his first outing he is beaten up and stabbed. This starts a rumor that Dave is a gay prostitute and was hurt by a john or pimp. Katie originally thought Dave was a creepy stalker but after seeing him hurt and hearing the rumor, decides to adopt him as her ‘gay best friend’.  Dave indulges this lie in order to get close to Katie. In the comics when reveals he’s not gay and likes her, she has her boyfriend beat Dave up. Later on texts him a picture of her blowing her boyfriend. Ouch!  In the movie, Katie in this version is a perfect nerd fantasy who starts reading comics to bond with Dave. She forgives him for lying and they start dating and sleeping together. I’m not sure which version I dislike more. If I were Dave I’d defiantly prefer Katie to be the sweet comic book nerd, rather than the cold bitch. She’s pretty shallow for wanting to be friends with Kick-Ass only because she thinks he’s gay, but that’s nothing out of the ordinary. I knew at least half a dozen girls in high school who talked about wanting a gay best friend for whatever reason. Yet, both versions reaction to Dave telling the truth were so unrealistically exaggerated. I think Katie’s character is absolutely correct in feeling violated and hurt. Their entire relationship was built on a  major lie.  Going from not viewing her friend in any sexual capacity, to immediately dating and sleeping with him is a huge leap. In this way she’s an escapist fantasy, and undercuts Kick-Ass’s theme as a superhero deconstruction. Its lame story telling, and very ‘Hollywood’. In the comic version Katie is unnaturally cruel. I understand that she thought Dave was a creeper before, but most  awkward teenage boys in high school come off as unintentionally creepy. All she needs to do is tell Dave off. Having her boyfriend fight him is nasty. Sending him a picture of her preforming fellatio is rubbing salt in the wound. It’s very indicative of Millar’s writing. He sees a line, acknowledges it’s there, crosses it, takes a dump on the line, and writes dirty words in feces while giggling about it. It’s kicking poor Dave while he’s down. In my opinion it’s weak writing on both parts. In one capacity the wish fulfillment is cliched and boring. In the other situation the over the top aspect cruelty is vulgar and unrealistic. Why does every hero need to have a love interest. Could he just have gotten shot down? It’s the most realistic scenario.

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